File this one under who knew? offer totally FREE printing and/or copying services from library computers or you can print remotely (by sending in your file) from your own device. Libraries offer both 8.5″ x 11″ (letter) or 8.5″ x 14″ (legal) sized printing. Printing and copying is limited to 100 pages a day per customer.
You can to be printed at your local branch.
Due to service contracts with the printer vendor, only paper supplied by the library can be used.
You may also scan documents and send them to your email.
Plus, library copiers now also allow you to fax for FREE! Note: You can only send faxes, not receive them.
Need a computer or internet at home? Denver libraries also let you a Chromebook, a wifi hotspot, or both for three (3) months. A permanent library card is required. Please note that there is often a waitlist to check out technology.
If you’re interested in getting permanent free or low-cost internet and device at home, talk to a digital navigator or look through our list of resources for free or low cost technology.
If you have questions about these services, check with your local library for additional information and instructions.
Thanks to MHOTC reader Lisa L. for bringing this terrific service to our attention.